Terms of Service


• Mafiamofo.com is not responsible for any illegal, offending, or inappropriate actions made by users inside or outside of the game, including internet and real life actions.

• Mafiamofo.com reserves the right to deny any person access to the game without a valid reason, nor does any reason have to be given to the person.

• Mafiamofo.com has no obligations towards any player.

• Mafiamofo.com can ban or delete an account when the rules are broken.

• Mafiamofo.com has the right to make decisions based on non-written rules or to change the rules in the future without notifying users.

• Players of Mafiamofo.com that purchace points have no extra rights and can't claim rights.

• Mafiamofo.com may not be appropriate for persons under the age of 18, by playing the game, or signing up for an account, you agree that you are over the age of 18 or otherwise have parental consent to play.

• By creating an account, or sending in-game messages, you agree to allow Mafiamofo.com access to your in-game mail, whether they notify you or not.

• Mafiamofo.com is not responsible for any injuries sustained while playing the game including but not limited to carpal tunnel syndrome.

• Mafiamofo.com does not guarantee that you will be able to login to the game at all times or gain access to all parts of the game. Certain parts of the game may be unavailable due to browser, firewall or security settings, or other problems.

• Mafiamofo.com reserves the right to change or modify the TOS at any time without warning or notifying users. It is the responsibility of the user to be aware of and in compliance with the Terms of Service at all times.


* No kind of refresher, autoclicker, automated program or macro will be tolerated.

* No multi-accounting; you are only allowed one active account per person. If more than one person is sharing the same computer, please submit an Additional Account request to staff in the Rules section of the game. Otherwise your accounts may be banned and deleted.

* Accounts on same location (IP) CANNOT:
- Send money between those account;
- Send points between those account;
- Send weapons between those account;
- Fight each other;
- Set a bounty on the other for the hitlist;

* Spam is not tolerated in the MoFo Times. Please use common sense when talking to other players, if you start swearing you will be gagged for 1 hour. Asking for personal or contact information of any kind is also strictly prohibited. Massive use of caps can also be considered as swearing and / or spamming.

* Unsolicited spamming of other games or websites via messaging or the MoFo Times is prohibited.

* Exploitation of any bugs or holes in game mechanics will not be tolerated. We will use our discretion as to what we feel is cheating and we will take immediate action against the accounts we feel are violating the rules.

* The use of racism or sexually explicit material, full nudity or real life information of another player in your player name, avatar, quote, kid name, kid avatar, gang name, gang quote, or gang banner is prohibited.

* If you feel the need to call another MoFo foul, disgusting and slanderous names, tell them in their mailbox, KEEP it OUT of all MoFo public forums (times, roadhouse, boss chat, hitlist comments, meeting rooms, gift comments and quotes).
Failure to follow this rule will get you gagged from the forums and eventually banned from the game.
If a MoFo calls you a foul and disgusting name in your mailbox, simply hit Block MoFo and they will no longer be able to do so.

* You may not sell, trade, buy, or return accounts or any in-game forms of virtual property for real world money.

* You may not sell, trade, or buy accounts for any in-game forms of virtual property (points, game money, weapons) or for real world money.

* If your account remains inactive for longer than 6 months the account may be deleted.

* Extortion for game money or points is prohibited.
(Example, "give me 500 points or I will keep killing you non stop until you do")

* If you suspect another player of cheating please submit a Report Player message to staff with their id number and what it is you feel they have done in the Rules section of the game, if they are found to be cheating their account will be banned. Note: If however we do not find them to be cheating, continued harrasment to the game staff about the same player/players will result in your account being blocked from staff help.

* Under no circumstances does purchasing a package from our store or survey area make you above the rules. We appreciate all of the support and purchases; however, we wish to create a fair environment to play in and will take action where it is needed.

These rules are subject to change at any time.
© 2008-2025 MaFiaMoFo.com